Iridium Works GmbH Logo
Productivity unleashed
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Effortlessly track and manage your Tasks, Routines and Vices with Svayy. Insights, Scheduling and Scores make it the perfect tool for your life and productivity.

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Iridium Works GmbH Logo

Made by Iridium Works in Germany

Manage your life without losing track.

Sign up for our private Beta now and see how easy it is to track, manage, and optimize your life.


Write down Tasks and Routines, enrich them with data and become aware of them.


By tracking your daily improvements and failures you get an overview of your lives directions.


Schedule your Routines, let Svayy take care whats next and gain peace of mind.


Finish your Tasks.


Set repeating Routines.


Track your daily Vices.


Identify trends in your life.


Track stock of what's important.


Get back on track quickly.

Working Memory

End to End encrypted notes.


Plan your Tasks.

Activity Log

Take a detailed look into the past.


Browse an extensive library for Routines and Vices.

Knowledge Base

Find out how Svayy works and read many articles about productivity.

We take it one step further!


We adhere to German data protection standards and our software and infrastructure are GDPR Compliant.


Your Tasks, Routines and Vices are End to End Encrypted with your Password.


Our Tutorials help you to understand the functionality and explain the scientific benefits of our Methods.

Elastic Routines

Make your Routines work with our Elastic Routine feature.
This method will ensure that you can build the connections in your brain to make a Routine stick forever!
Our custom Insights will show you your progress.

Orientation Mode

You procrastinate all day or feel overwhelmed by mounting responsibilities? No problem! With our Orientation Feature you can go through your open Tasks, Routines and Vices in seconds and get back on track.


If you ever wonder what Routines you could introduce to benefit your life, just check out our extensive library.


Svayy is currently in private Beta.

Wait, there is more?

Since we also developed Svayy for the Web, you can access the same features and more with your account as well!

Svayy is currently available on iOS, iPad OS, WatchOS and in the Web.

Start using Svayy now

Sign up for our private Beta now and see how easy it is to track, manage, and optimize your life.

Go to the App StoreOpen Niobium for the Web.
Join the Beta